TBD on Ning

I'm sure we already have this game somewhere, but I don't know where.


Choose one from the 2 choices that are left you & then leave 2 new ones to choose from.




Which would you rather eat-

Escargot or Chocolate Covered Roaches?


you choose one & leave a new question w/2 choices.




Tags: Another Game, Choose One, What?

Views: 764

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thank you, Slayer guy- true. Bauhaus was not a German band. Love Peter's voice, cuts u up.


Balmoral or Sherwood Forest?

sorry... = (

I'll take the Harley, but would really rather have the Kawasaki.

dandruff or bad breath?



washer or dryer?


apartment or house?



Speaking of....



Grey's Anatomy?



gas lamplight or neon light?

neon light

iPOD or MP3player


twilight or dawn?


electric or gas heat ?



pineapple or watermelon?

Crap. I love both. Guess I'll go with pineapple, cause I can grow more pineapples from the crowns. (Got 6 pineapple plants growing right now. (the 6th was planted 2 days ago, and it is looking a little sickly, so don't know if it is going to make it)

PS. I actually harvested a small pineapple about 1 1/2 years ago. It was small, but it was the sweetest, juiciest pineapple that I have ever tasted. They normally take about 4 years to produce. 

Lemons or limes?

PSS. I picked a large lemon today to use to make hummus. There is one more on the "tree" that is huge, but not quite ripe. I hesitate to call it a tree, cause it only about 14 inches tall. Also, in the last 2 or 3 days, it has developed at least 10 or 12new  blossoms. Most of those will have to be picked off because the tiny branches will never be able to hold that much fruit. 




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