TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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Luckily I found a replacement for the broke piece.  So what was all metal except the 1 plastic piece is now all plastic.  LOL  But it is working and not leaking.  *crossed fingers*

this month is a hard one in the world of retail businesses.  you'll get thru it, just try to take care of yourself along the way, Crystal!


When I had my business this time of year was hectic for me because the developers and builders took off for warmer weather. While they were gone I was expected to have my work done and ready when they got back.  LOL


In 1997 I had a kiosk in Grand Central Mall in Parkersburg, WV. I had a sales staff of about 10 people. Turned over about $50,000 of merchandise and only lost about $3,000. Quite a learning experience. I think that I could have came back the next year and made a pretty good profit.

However, Working 16 hour days, with about 5 hours sleep Seven days a week for two months was not what I had in mind when I quit my $110,000 a year position with a Defense contractor.  So, for a few years I played at various other jobs. Sold camping and boating merchandise, Worked the 2000 census, Counted traffic around Washington, DC, Sold Real Estate, and was a real Estate Appraiser. Then in 2006 gave it all up and became a full timer in the RVing world. This year, I spent 6 months working as a host and maintenance person for a RV Club.

It may sound Un-American, but I must say, I enjoy not being a wage slave.

Yep, I'm one of those people that the Right Wing Fanatics condem as sucking of the teat of government. Social Security, Military Retirement, Medicare, Tricare-For-Life, 401k and a few oil and gas wells on my farm in West Virginia. A lot of friends strung around various parts of the US and on TBD. Two grown, successful Sons. An ex-wife that I am still good friends with.  A wonderful dog and an intelligent good looking girl friend.  Life is Sweet.


Good morning people.  It is a late start for me this morning.  Mainly because our DSL was down and I spent too much time narrowing the trouble down to it.  Not much cognitive thinking early in the morning.  I know there must be a way of testing the DSL. With it's modem and the wifi router as potential trouble makers there are too many pieces of the puzzle for this old man.  LOL


WOW Robbie, what a resume.  You have certainly paid your dues and deserve all the income you have coming to you.  Life is short and getting shorter every day so live it up.  That goes for you, Lynn and Crystal, too!

yes, Richard, live to the fullest, every damn day!

glad you got your DSL sorted out.  it can be a PITB!

when Robbie and i sat and compared notes, turns out we actually knew a couple of the same people in the defense contracting community, guys i'd known for years and am still in touch with.  that was another "small world" story, for sure.

my dad was a triple-dipper -- federal employee, retired reserve (USAF) and Social Security, so Medicare, BC/BS and what was then Champus.  no guilt needed, he earned every damn one of 'em.  me, i'm just a lowly double-dipper -- fed retirement plus social security. women weren't the same in military, back in my day....

hi, Crystal, whenever you get here!


 RRC is probably burning the midnight oil during this Holiday season. that is one thing I learned about Retail. It is unbelievable how much money pours through the door between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many retail businesses make the years profit during that period. Many who do not do well during that period go out of business.

Anyway, I hope she is doing well. Glad to see at least a couple of you are still here. 

Good evening, Robbie, Lynn and Richard!

Hi Goldilocks sorry we missed you.  Thank you for stopping, come again often.




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