TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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highly intoxicated and never made any toys, they drank too much  eggnog and brandy.

So to the rescue came Spiderman and....

he had good intentions, but he ended up partying with the helpers too. That's when he accidentally sprayed Spidey Web all over Mrs. Pennypacker, and she...

got a little frustrated trying to get out of the mess. She tried and tried until the yellow lab came along to save the day, he....

was so proud and excited he went for a swim with a friend and barked at the sunset.

meanwhile Mrs.Pennypacker......


licked her fur while thinking about...

how brave the yellow lab was. She wondered why dogs love the water so much that it made her...

decide to take swimming lessons, but Beth...

I need some new shades and kicked/scrathed/meowed Beth out the door to get some shades, and kitty litter from K-mart.

Then  Mrs.Pennypacker..

knew that was out of the question. "It's that time of the month" Beth thought to herself. "Mrs. Pennypacker" she said "you and I...

will have to wait until the Black Cohosh kicks in, but until then...




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