TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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Rosemary or brussel sprouts.


TM2T that you Googled.

yoctosecond and google maps


TM2T's that were on your Thanksgiving table besides turkey and dressing.

Mashed potatoes, which I don't eat when I can have stuffing instead, and cranberry sauce.


TM2 foods that you made WAYYYY to much of.

dressing or stuffing and yeast rolls


TM2T's that you will still be eating a few days after your Thanksgiving meal?

Can't stop at two. Turkey, ham, stuffing, (hers and mine) pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, apple pie, need I go on?


TM2T that are your favorites for Thanksgiving. 

Mashed potatoes with gravy and pumpkin pie.

TM2T to do with leftover turkey

cornbread dressing and yeast rolls

TM1T grace forgot to do.

TM2T's you already know about me...LOL

She is a hoot, and she's lots of fun.


TM2T that you want to know about TBubD.

One thing I know...you love your sweetie...that says alot. I guess I want to knowwhere in Florida you live and are you retired?


Then, TM2T's you know right now about the Longhorn/Aggie game going on. Or is it on yet?

Not a fan, sorry.

TM2 sports you enjoy besides college football




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