TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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lots of friendly faces and plenty to eat and drink.


She wishes she could come but she knows that...

There is always some old goat wanting to eat her hat so she..

decided that instead of going to Fl. In Feb., she would be better off going to...

Texas to meet Aggie's cow to complain about...

the drought, the price of beef, the possibility that Prunella Farquar won't show for the meet, and...

while she's in Texas she'll go to Austin to visit her 2 daughters. There is always something to do in Austin especially...

going to The Museum of Natural and Artificial Emphemerata ("MNAE"), and also...

6th Street. The best thing about Austin is the people they are .......

well... from Austin. And very eclectic as 6th st. will prove, But Austonian's are also known to be...

weird...They are also friendly and very hospitable not to mention.....

They'll take the shirt off their back and give it to you. It's a Texas thing I think.

Texas is...

where most of the cowboys...




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