TBD on Ning

Go to UrbanDictionary.com and look up your first name. Copy and paste this as your status and the first entry of what Urban Dictionary says about your name as the first comment.

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 Excellent lover, very good with his entire body, making women fantasize about him regularly. A very thick, yummy kisser. Richard is a kind, good, lovely, beautiful, sweet, aggressive, sensitive man with a consecrated heart. Richard is super sexxy!

Oh my, Richard! Be still my heart!

So you like Italian ice, Helen?

I'm going to only include the first 2. 


!. Used to describe someone really cool or high up on a social chain. These people are very powerful so must be respected.
That kid over there is so a Dean, all sexy and cool. 
I want to get somewhere in life, where is Dean? 
"you are sooo Dean, you rock.
2. Dean
the most amazing person alive with a huge penis
he is such a dean. 
Proving that this site is totally made up by people named Dean


these are silly, Aggie. 




from my real name...

"    " is the girl that everyone would kill to be. Super pretty, smart, honest, nice, and very cool. She's your basic over-achiever and one of the best friends you'll ever know.


1) Grace: Synonyms: Elegance, loveliness, and beauty.

2)  Meaning: A admired feminine forename.
1) The swan glided over the lake gracefully.
2) Me: 'Grace is the cutest girl ever, She makes my heart beat faster, she's so beautyful. If you ever go out with her, you are one lucky guy...'
These are funny!

Mary 719 up, 182 down In Montreal, a Mary is used to describe someone with incredible wit and good looks. Often bookish and lovable, a Mary is rare and the phrase should be used sparingly. The term was coined in the summer of 2008. "Look at how elegantly she changes sidewalk. Like a shooting star crossing the sky. She's a Mary."

"1) Dave: A term used to describe the coolest person in the group. "Oh man, I was the Dave of the party!" - "


Okay. I'm going to assume that UD has been successfully infiltrated by the same nimrods who used to post those asinine zodiac personality profile things all over the 'net.


Remember those? The ones that basically described each and every member of every astrological sign as being incredibly sexy, cute, great in bed, exceptionally smart, widely admired, well-endowed and similar fawning horseflop? Yeah, those guys.

1. eric 10767 up4357 down
The most amazing person in the entire universe. Everything about him is perfect! He's charming, handsome, intelligent, strong, romantic, funny...everything you want in a guy. It's impossible not to fall in love with him! Once you lay eyes on him, you will know from that very moment that you will never stop loving him.
did you see eric...damn that bitch is fine!




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