TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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Tee!!! I love that!!!

Actually, this is my new line of work:




and so the new avatar is b/c now you have to be incognito. I get it now!
OMG - you haven't shed that Lincoln-clown avatar EVAH that I know of!! What's up w/THAT, you cute little monkey? (ape? chimp?)

Am I answering this ? Since d's wouldn't?

TM2T jobs you quit in spectacular fashion.
Only one was spectacular and the court ordered confidentiality agreement prevents me from talking about it...

TM2 reasons why Broadway Musicals are so popular

Everyone wants to participate in a NY icon & the songs get in your head like an earworm, so you have to go to another one to rid yourself of the current one.


Example: Don't cry for me, Argentina... the truth is, I NEVer left you... all through my wild days, my mad existence~ I kept my promise!!...don't keep your distance...


Now, tell me that's not running through your head for the rest of the day.


TM2 funny things that have happened to you at the beach.

one time  a few friends and I walking on the beach in Seaside, NJ, it was cold, November, windy, we were stoned on  pot.

An old man came out on the beach took off his robe and went for a swim in the freezing water!

it was so funny. it tripped us out.


Another time a lifeguard fell asleep and fell off his lifeguard stand.

TM2 funny things that happened at the grocery store.


(((Beth))) I haven't seen you in ages!


TM2 funny things that happened at the grocery store.


Once, while shopping w/a teenager who was living w/me at the time-

I thought she was one aisle over & I said, "Hey, Mellissa - head's up!" & lobbed a package of paper towels over the shelving. Heard a thud. Walked around to find a woman glaring at me & Mellissa 2 aisles over.

Another time was back in the early days of pagers & cell phones, when I had neither, but my husband had one of each for business. We were splitting up to run errands & then meeting back up. I was doing the grocery store shopping. He gave me the pager to wear & said he'd page me when he was done w/his errands & we'd meet back up at the car. I'd never worn a beeper. When it went off I thought someone had grabbed me from behind. In my fear, I instantly swung around, making some crazy sound, like in a karate move, ready to go on the attack against my attacker. I embarrassingly looked around to see if anyone had seen this ridiculousness. It would have been hilarious on video. ;-p


TM2T you bought & then returned.

Just yeterday I returned an Infinity Scarf and a pair of brown tights.


TM2 Words you love

hotdog and meow.
TM1T Beth forgot to do. (Hi Beth, haven't seen you in ages)

Beth failed to mention where she's been so long. (Oh, and ask a question)


TM2 of your cooking specialties




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