TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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Brie with wheat crackers and snails with garlic sauce


TM2 ways you wish the younger generation will be better than you are.

Creating a better political system & improving the educational system.


TM2T that would challenge you today. ('challenge' in a good way, to better yourself)

As always, try to live up to my principles and keep the sky above me.


TM2T you did as a kid to protect yourself from monsters under the bed.

A razor-sharp banana knife hidden under the pillow and, if that didn't work, I thought I might be able to sweet-talk them into going after my older brother.


TM2T  about Superman's "Clark Kent" disguise that annoyed you.

The glasses and the insipid personality.

TM2T you hope you never have to do again.

Go to Newark New Jersey or put on a pair of bowling shoes or a combination thereof.


TM2T you admire about the Pillsbury Doughboy's philosophy.

The Pillsbury Doughboy has a philosophy???
O,wait, is it that lovin' from the oven thing???
He never knew how much he was 'kneaded' and despite being a bit flaky he was a 'roll' model to many.
And he laughed like a crazy person when you stuffed him in an oven.

he laughs like a lunatic when he gets poked in the belly! 


TM2T that you love the scent of

My fiancee's hair and a wheat field right after a big storm has passed through.


TM2T you do that drive yer mama nuts.




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