TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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G+ was in invitation-only beta test until 4-5 days ago, it's pretty new and has a strange 'feel' to it.

yeah, east of the mountains might be a decent compromise for you guys -- not warm but yet sun.  think about Coeur d'Alene, that looked like a nice (but maybe smaller) town.  

Tuesday, already.  woo hoo!

my son called needing a payment on his student loan today, and daughter called to say that, for new stove & fridge in condo, i really won't need a range hood (there's an exhaust fan in ceiling) but that the gas line and shut-off valve have to be replaced before new stove can be installed.  the hemorrhage continues.....

otherwise, life is good!  i'm well and i opened my eyes and put my feet on the floor this morning!

The need for mom in critical times is good medicine that can't be denied.  I am glad you don't have to put in a range hood.  The new valve and connection line is a safer situation.  I hope you get a break from the hemorrhage.


Opened eyes and feet on the floor this morning is worth a lot. 


Sharon sends you (((((HUGS)))  This morning Sharon's mother discovered another lump.  In the lower intestinal area and off to one side.  I am curious why this hasn't shown in the MRIs and CT scans.  By it's size it certainly has to have been there 2 weeks ago.

hi, Richard, sending hugs back to both of you!  it's nearly as hard to stand by and watch as it is to be the one related....

thanks for support re kid stuff....

only problem w/ doing work on the gas line is that i have to deal w/ the total idiot property manager about shutting off gas for a short while, posting notices, etc, or maybe the gas company; anyhow, that's gonna' be a PITB.  not to mention that said idiot won't deal directly w/ Teri, because he insists that since i'm not living there, she is de facto a "tenant" and has tried demanding a lease (no way) and other tricks.  twice now, i've had to go over his head to his manager, and he doesn't tolerate that well -- he's a petty tyrant, and just makes everything so difficult....

I assumed replacing the gas line meant the connection between the new valve and the stove.  If you are individually metered (as the condos should be) the gas can be shut off there instead of the whole site for the length of time it takes to replace the valve.  Of course you know that if the line to the condo needs replacing that is the association's problem.
sadly, NOT individually metered as far as i can tell, but when they installed new gas furnace, it wasn't necessary to shut down the whole series of buildings, so who knows?  surely not me.  these are early '60s vintage garden apt units.  i don't think it's the entire line into the building, at least that's the way Teri described it.

it's approaching the end of September, and it's been days since anyone but Richard and RRC have stopped in -- well, kk, 'cept for Cat's flyby after the meet on Sunday, and oh, yes, Thalia stops in every week or two.

Do we want to keep this going into October, or shall we abandon teebeedee in favor of Moosie's Crossing in FB?  i'll go either way, but think about it.  if we're just holding on here, for the sake of holding on, then perhaps it's time to let go?

Hello there, Lynn, RRC, Richard. I'm in the Fairview Diner at Smithburg. Was born in a house across the road 73 years and 25 days ago.  

I haven't yet joined the exodus to FB. Think I'll hang around here until I'm the only one. I enjoy my company(:>). 

ok, Robbie, but with you only showing up here every week or two, recently, that's not enough to keep us going.  maybe when you come back down from the mountain, you can generate more interest?

I would like to stay here as well.  Not so much as keeping it going as it is staying in contact with the people who do stop in at least to say hi.  The FB site is so impersonal to me.  Too many people I don't know and who don't know me.  It's a bother for me to follow the long threads of many posts during a day.  I sometimes feel like I am a stranger there even to those who know me.  So I comment occasionally but not spend much time there as usual.


Robbie, that's nice that house still stands after all those years.  I hope it brings lots of good memories to mind.  Has the diner been there as long?  I just finished my crispy cereal and headed for the coffee pot.


Have a good day one and all.

Afternoon all....
I will still be wandering the halls of TBD...I understand that many stop in FB but I am like Richard, I don't always have the time to read through a long thread on FB, maybe in the dead of winter I will have time but right now I just finished lunch and sat down. I already need to reheat my coffee for the second time today.

Glad to see you Robbie, I love the pics I got a chance to see. Hope you have a wonderful time on the trip. Sure wish I could have joined all of you for the meet, it looked like a wonderful time.


Yay Crystal!  I used to have to reheat my coffee too.  Now that I am retired I forget where I left it or that I had any at all.  LOL




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