TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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Good afternoon RRC!  Yes, and by not painting I learn a lot watching the painter at his craft.

Good morning,

Looks as if I am the first one here, know it has been a while,

Have been so very busy....Looks as if Alia and I are breaking households and moving apart...she found the apartment of her dreams and it is really time,

I found a great apartment...now it is just the packing and moving...it will be exciting once it is over, over, over,  I knew there was a reason I took a week off the first of October, just didn't know why, now I do, it is so I can pack...get rid of all of the old, to make room for the new...

Hope everyone has a day filled with love and laughter

Sounds like you are going to have fun today Lynn, would love to be with all of you, having lunch or whatever..

Hope everyone is well

wow, that's big news, Thalia!  you'll be an empty nester again!  i hope this is a positive step for both of you.

thanks to you and RRC for keeping this going a while longer.  apparently, from today's lunchtime conversation, "everybody" is now hanging out in the Moosie's Crossing group on FaceBook.

we did have a good visit over lunch -- Larry, Kittycat, Cat, CyberDoug, CWO3ROBBIE, Goldilocks and George.  then after lunch we took Larry's computer out on the patio and skyped with Moosie and belle054 and Carmen. and then i fled, since i had 6 hours to drive home yet.  

i wish i (me, and others of "us") could get to meet you, too, Thalia!  there's gonna' be a Florida meet in February (but i'll be in FL 2 weeks before that) and maybe, just maybe, a midwest meet next summer, i heard a rumor....  don't give up!

and i DID have a good visit with Charg and her guy overnite on Saturday!  her new home is delightful, and they've done LOTS of good work with the yard, wisely saving their interior fussing about things 'til the weather gets cold, but the interior doesn't need work the way the yard did, it's more stuff they "want" to do.  it felt really good to be there with them.

and, RRC, after checking out the menu online, i agreed to go to an Italian restaurant with them -- something i usually avoid 'cause it pains me to watch friends eat pasta when i can't -- and as i was quizzing the server about the couple of dishes that looked like good possibilities, she volunteered that they offer rice spaghetti, and they use corn starch (not flour) in all their sauces!  (i'm thinking that might not help you, but it works for me!)  so i quickly reviewed the menu and ordered pasta with shrimp&scallops in a champagne cream sauce.  might be the best restaurant meal i've had in YEARS!  rice spaghetti tasted much better there than any i've ever cooked!


I just looked through all the pics on FB and they were wonderful...reminded me of the great time I had in August. And whispers of a midwest meet?? Do tell! 

How wonderful on the restaurant Lynn, the rice pasta idea is fabulous, don't you wish other places would wise up and understand? The sauce wouldn't work for me but the fact that they are trying says lots. But I love rice pasta, there are some wonderful recipes that we use often. 

Thally I am so glad to see you stopped and good luck with the new apartment...won't be long and everything will be put away. Keep your fingers crossed about a midwest meet...would love to meet you.

Off to visit my folks and then attend Kiefer's football game...looks like he will finally get to play in this JV game. The weather is perfect for a game!

you probably could have eaten one of the red sauces, tho'!  those all contained some form of meat, which i don't eat.  it would've worked!  

hope K gets to play tonite, yay!

Good Monday morning Lynn, RRC, and Thally.  Oh yes, and those strangers who might stumble in by mistake.

I'm strange maybe, but not a stranger. . . good morning!  


Thally, sounds like you have some exciting stuff coming your way, and I wish you the very best in your new place!  

Awww Cat!  You are not a stranger and certainly not strange (other than walking into doors).  It's that there was such a nice group here whom have ventured off onto their next nomadic journey.  In my opinion the Facebook site does not come close to the charm and personality this site has had.  Besides the the people that is what I miss about this place.
good morning, my friends!

Good afternoon Lynn!  I hope you are having the kind of day you enjoy.  The rainy season, here, has risen to the occasion to shower us with it's gift.  No news regarding Sharon's mother.  I gather there is no reason to rush into a treatment series.  I rather doubt mother will want to go through that anyway.



hi, Richard!  this is a case where i'm not sure "no news is good news."  i just hope Sharon is coping ok.  Please deliver a hug to her, from me.

and the rains have returned.  sigh.  august&september are about all you get of sunshine.  no way could i live in the Pacific NW, but i've known that for years  -- i'd be one of the suicidally depressed folks, since i need daily sunshine to survive!

that man has informed me that he's terminating all contact, so i think you can forget about any further correspondence.  my weekend spent with friends, as well as the drive time, helped; daughter Teri says i "sound" a bit happier today than i have for some weeks, so i'm gonna' take her word for it.  i do seem to hurt a bit less....

have you ventured into Google+ yet?  plus.google.com, a FB competitor?  it works somewhat differently, and i won't be abandoning here of FB for a while, but maybe you want to check it out?

you can find me on there as <lynnmiller bradley>.  my only warning is that, if you have a gmail account already, G+ will find it and co-opt it as your connection with friends.  i had to cancel the first account i set up, for that reason, since my consulting stuff uses gmail.  have now set up a separate gmail acct and am using a different browser for it and G+, and that seems to work ok.  (unclear if having 2 gmail accts is legit or not, but eventually they'll tell me, i'm sure, if it's not!)

Sharon is coping nicely at least outwardly.  She and her sister have come together which, along with her sister's divorce, has helped to divert her attention periodically.


This has been an abnormally wet year so far for Oregon.  We hope there will be an Indian summer even though it may be cold.  East of the mountains they claim there are 300 days of sunshine.  Our thoughts about retiring are pointing toward Boise for the moment.  LOL


I am totally unaware of G+ so I must explore.  I have a gmail account but have forgotten everything about it.  I'll let G+ find it for me.  LOL




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