TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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Thanks Crystal!  I hope for a better shoulder after your doc appt.
Good Thursday morning to all.  I'll be staining the new door today then maybe the first of three coats of urethane.  Anybody want in on the fun?  LOL

good morning, Crystal and Richard!

Crystal, i'm thinking you already know whether your shoulder is better or not, but my hope for you is that it'll be completely healed.  second best would be good enough that you won't need surgery.

Richard, i've never worked with the polyurethane "stuff" -- i hope it's easier than old-fashioned varnish!  the staining oughta' be straightforward enough (she says hopefully....)

Hello, Guys and Gals. Still in the boonies. Just checking in. Nothing to report.
glad to hear you're safe'n'sound, Robbie.  hope to see you Sunday at Uno's wherever-near-Pittsburgh!
Happy Friday, gang!

The same to you Lynn!


Good morning people!

Afternoon...seems my time just slips away. 

I learned from the Doc I am very, very lucky. The shoulder is doing good, I need to be careful how I lift since the rotator cuff is torn..or frayed as he called it. If I start having trouble I need to go back and get it fixed up but for now I am A OK. 

Heading to the homecoming game tonight, at least the weather is nice.

Have a good one....

hooray and hallelujah!  please be careful lifting "stuff" when you're stocking and setting up displays in the store.  with a little luck, you'll be able to avoid surgery for always!

hope the home team wins, tonite, RRC!


be back on monday.  hope somebody shows up here in the meanwhile.

I am here!  There is house painting yet to be done and rain is in the forecast for Monday.  The painter thought he could finish by then.  I am happy to not be the painter this go around.


You all be careful out there and have a good day today.

Morning all...I just made in time to tell you that. 

Not much excitement around here, the Fairlane is in a car show but I will only be there part of the time. Kind of quiet in the store right now...we will see how the afternoon goes. 

Be glad you aren't painting today Richard.....we have the entire house wrapped in steel siding so no painting for us. 

Customers...gotta run.




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