TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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not sure what the "smithers" reference is about, but you get lots of credit for pulling a great group of friends into virtual friendships that turned into real life friendships!  

i still need to meet you, but that doesn't interfere with my gratitude for your role in bringing me together with some really great people, Moosie!

RRC, i'm waiting to hear how you spent your saturday evening....


It was an exciting evening for me...even though Scott didn't show up to buy me dinner. 

Closed the store and drove about an hour for some shopping. Victoria's Secret was the first stop, I don't think I will go into details here about my purchases...the guys can sign up for a catalog. 

Picked up an Americano on my way out of the mall for some much needed energy for the next round, spent the next several hours wandering Kohls...which I love. I had a 30% off coupon...of everything, even mark down items. Didn't find anything very exciting but saving money on towels and such is always fun. 

Home around midnight and now sipping a glass of wine and waiting for the boys to arrive home. 

[Maybe I should have come up with something a lot more exciting. :/


sounds like your coffee overcame the relaxing effects of the beer, and then some, Moosie!  

so are you gonna' go back and sing there, sometime?  why not?

sounds like time well spent, to me!  Kohl's doesn't carry clothes big enuf for me, so i rarely go there, but my sister used to like them too!

Hi All, I'm currently on my Cousin's satilite internet. I'm in the boonies. No cell, no internet.

Glad to see that some of you are still here. I'll try to get on once in a while.

Miss all you guys. I'm going to try to make it to Larry and Kittycat"s place next weekend.  

yay!  meeting them and some others for a late lunch next Sunday, so maybe you'll be there too!  

glad you're safely installed in the mountains for now.........

yes.  now, if on the 25th, we could somehow meet up with those other folks over near you, it'd be perfect, Moosie!

Can't wait to see pics from the latest gathering.

I am moving slow this morning...I have a list a mile long but I seem to find a reason everything can wait. 


it's okay, this is your day off, RRC -- you can goof off if you want to!




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