TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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Well looks like I didn't make it yesterday, so I will be the first for today!! 

Crazy busy day today, just didn't seem to find a moment to swing by here and bug all of you. Football game tonight, then I was following Ward out to the rig when Kiefer called and needed a ride to the 5th quarter. Taxied he and a buddy there then had to go back and pick them up. They are now spending the night together at the buddies house. 

I am thinking a long soak in the bathtub sounds pretty nice right now. 

Safe travels Robbie, how is the house getting settled Lynn? Can't wait to hear about Richard, Marty and Moosies weekend.


good morning, RRC and everyone else too!  

hope you got that long soak, waiting for hubster to get back from checking things in the hinterlands....

this apartment is a comfortable place to live.  a girlfriend came down last friday, we had lunch and then were sitting in the living room talking, and she asked what were my plans for, essentially, fixing it up.  there are only venetian blinds and blank walls, for now.  

well, given that there's only credit to spend, not much will be done; eventually i'll get my stuff from the condo and perhaps hang a few things, but for now, i'll make do with what i brought out of my sister's house. 

my bigger priority is finding some real life people here in town, to interact with.  i mean, my online friends are wonderful and essential to survival, but flesh'n'blood hugs are essential, too, and since that man has pretty much receded into the background, :-( , i really need a few casual friends to hang out with here.  working for a virtual organization truly doesn't provide any social interaction.  so i'm on the lookout for how to make that happen.  

i signed up for the regional Medical Reserve Corps, and have joined the swimming pool (but that's a bunch of loners, if there ever was one!)  there's a benefit dance sponsored by the senior center this coming friday, with a live band, so i'm hoping i can screw up my courage to walk in there and, at least, listen to the music!

and tomorrow, i'm off to the Peaks of Otter Lodge, to treat my son to a birthday lunch.  that's a place i've known about for decades, but never been there.  it's only about an hour from here, and a bit closer to him.

"my bigger priority is finding some real life people here in town,"

Sounds like you're horny. :)

Good morning {{{RRC & Lynn}}} and all.  I hope you are having a good start of the weekend.  Yesterday was a busy one with meetings grocery buying and other errands.  I need to call the ant guy to come back and give the place another shot.  Masking and painting of the porch and front of the house is supposed to start today.  No activity out there yet. Today's high temp is to be 92 so early work outside is a good plan.  Enjoy your day, stay cool and don't take work so seriously.

ah, the porch and front of the house are getting painted!  yippee!  hope you'll share pic of the finished product, i KNOW it's gonna' look great.  

hot there, for you guys!  glad all you have to do is supervise today.  as my daughter the former pro-painter says, masking tape is for amateurs; maybe they're just gonna' DO IT?


LOL  Can your daughter cut a fine edge with a spray gun?  He is spraying everything the major light color then brushing the darker trim colors.  I am not sure how much he will get done today.  I'd much prefer the paint dry on the house instead of in the air.
ok, spray paint requires masking.  got it....

hard to believe it's been ten years since that Tuesday morning when airplanes became more than weapons delivery devices, but weapons themselves.  i've learned a great deal about me, and about emergency preparedness and response, and a whole lot of other things, and have also been paying attention to how "security" interferes with some of the activities we once took for granted.  and how there is no longer any privacy -- once a thought leaves the inside of our heads, it's going to be captured somewhere, somehow, by some electronic scanning device.  our cell phone conversations, our wireless connections, what we say in public places, these things are certainly observed and filtered.

yes, even the thoughts we post here -- anyone can read what we write, altho' one must belong to teebeedee in order to post.  

heading out for lunch with my son, soon.  maybe someone will stop by during the day and have more positive thoughts than i....

I miss the freedoms we used to have too, Lynn, especially privacy.

Good morning all,

Could have sworn that I posted on here some days ago...yet is gone poof...has been sometime since I have been on here, perhaps because in summer, I am just a lug on the couch...am sad that I went to oregon in July and do not have that trip to look forward to at the end of the month, as I usually go latter part of September, early October

Is getting cooler here now and that is a good thing for me.

Robbie, hope the repairs on RV are finished now...that is something eh????

Lynn, sure in time you will make some face time friends...know how hard it is to move to a town where you know no one, the dance sounds like fun, give it a shot...for sure

RRC...sounds like you are very busy

Richard, have fun with the new pourch...and for whoever else comes in the doors, happy day

and yes, I so remember ten years ago...was a hard time as my father had just died and my mother was freaking out...

love and laughter to you all


hey, glad you found your way back to us!  thx for your encouragement to find my way to that dance.  friday's not that far off.

sorry you're struggling, Thalia -- sounds like you need some motivation to get back to enjoying life?  wish i could find some myself, i'd surely share it!

Slow morning here, Kiefer drove his car to school for the first time so no more having to haul him to and from. Yippee

I have a long day ahead but at least it isn't starting by 8 hours of work...I get to catch a bit of Kiefer's football game tonight before I have to dash back home to attend a board meeting. Luckily the game is only 30 miles away. 

Sounds like the rest of you are keeping busy too, hope Richard posts some pics of the new paint job.




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