TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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Good Morning....

Gorgeous cool morning..must be ordered special for Kitty's big day! Happy Birthday, hope you are having a wonderful day. 

I wonder if Kitty will notice if I sneak a bite out of her cheesecake.


Thanks Richard and RRC for the birthday wishes and the coffee and cheesecake!!!


Hey!!! *slapping RRC's hand*..... I can still see, RRC!!! It's my memory that's getting old not my eyesight!!! LMAO!!!

I hope your birthday is a wonderful one, and that this entire year will be your best yet!


Happy Birthday Kittycat. Hope it goes swimmingly. Oops! Maybe I shouldn't use that expression when talking to people in the NorthEastern part of the country.

I'm still sitting in Tennessee. Think I'll write a blog. I think I have the material for a good Country Song.

The Mechanic just showed up BBL.

Thanks, Robbie, for the birthday wishes!!!  Swimmingly, I hope not!!! LMAO!!!

When you get around to coming our way, let us know!!! Can't wait!!!

So far, so good, Lynn!!! I'm planning on the entire year to be great!!! (((HUGS)))
Thanks Marty!!! I saw the one on Facebook too!!! My but you get around!!! LOL
A little lunch then a power nap helps me.
Lar's taking me out to dinner.... I better get on the ball and get ready!!! See you all later!!!
stop by to hi went fishing and moor tuna now I have 300lb + 150lb from the last time we went out so I Am going to can it and give it to some one in need
i love fresh tuna, Robert!  i'm so sorry i can't be there to help you consume some of it before you can it....
Kittycat, i hope tonite's dinner was a special good time!




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