TBD on Ning

Robbie this is for you.


Someone else has to get the coffee, I need to get to work!  Have a great day!

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i'm bummed that the FL meet will be the a whole week and a weekend after i'm done with conference there.  no way can i justify hanging out for another 10 days, too expensive.

probably Cat and Doug are your folks to talk with, about this, but it sorta' depends on what you're using as a gathering place, too -- hotel room block and their facilities or if you're just gonna' stake out a spot on the beach for gathering, or some "reserved" pavilion or park space.

Thanks for unlocking the door. I finally made it back in.

Back to work today and it started out running.....

Happy to see all you folks again.

I am back went to Idaho to see the grand kids 


hi,Moosie.  hope so!


Hi all!  Bad day today at work, and when I got home from work, I came in the house to no power for 3 hours.  It's back on, and I'm staying in for the rest of the day so things better improve.  Sure is boring without a t.v., computer, phone and electricity.  Doesn't happen often so I'm finished complaining about that.


The Florida meet sounds like a lot of fun!  Especially in February when we all need to feel the warmth of the sun.  Just not do-able for me.  I have my family reunion and family vacation already booked and half paid for.  I've missed too many years of family vacations, and determined I'm doing that family beach thing every year now.   

Hey Cat, sorry you had a bad day.  Tomorrow has to be better because it will be hump day already.


Yay for family vacations preferably before hurricane season begins.

Hi Richard!  Miss you.
Miss you too busy lady!

Sorry your power was out at home, especially after a bad day at work!  Hope your evening has been better!

Gooooood Morrrrrning. (Stretch)

Another morning of rain. I'm still at Raccoon Valley RV Park. It's raining. It's raining in Lexington, KY. It's raining in Wytheville, VA. It's raining in West Union, WV. So, I'll sit here another day. Try to leave tomorrow. Happy is over on his couch licking himself. He needs to go outside. I need to go outside. Whine, Whine, Whine.

There, now I feel better.  

I do know how to make it stop raining. I'll take Happy outside. as soon as he and I get good and wet, It'll stop raining. If I had just waited another 15 Min. I wouldn't have a wet dog in the RV. Works every time.

Oh well, first I'll make another pot of coffee and put my cereal on to soak.

This retired life is hard.  

good morning all
Good morning Robbie, Robert, and all who stop by later.  Low 90s for the rest of the week.  It seems summer is a month late here.  Does that mean winter will be a month late too?  No rush, winter, take your time.




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