TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Good Afternoon all!!!

Lynn, Larry and I were just wondering about you last night when we were watching the news about the hurricane... It sounds like you don't think it will affect you... I'm relieved to hear that... I'll keep your friends in my thoughts... :)  Drive safely!!!


Hey there everyone. 

Be safe driving Lynn. Glad you got to meet Laura. I bet you had a wonderful time. 

Busy day at work here, better get back to it. Still trying to get things straightened out with my shoulder. Still having a few problems with it and I can't seem to get the Dr. office to cooperate. I now made my own appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon just to make sure things are okay.


good morning to you all  


Good afternoon RRC and Robert!!! 

RRC, I hope you're able to get your shoulder back to normal... Doctors!!! Humph!!!

Good morning all.  Hope everyone stays safe and sound until after Irene calms down.


The hospital discharged Sharon's mother without the sister's knowledge.  As soon as the sister learned this and that their mother was in pain the hospital readmitted her with instructions to consult with Sharon's sister before discharging again. .  The doctors THINK it is cancer because of the size of the mass.  So much for modern medicine.

Sending good thoughts to all of you Richard, times like that a difficult to live through. 

Morning all, it is Saturday already, and this month is almost gone, school starts next week...hurray!!

Heading for an MRI this morning to check out this shoulder, they are making sure there what all is going on in there. I hope to catch a nap in the tube....HA that would be near to impossible. 

Have a good one.......

Hope all of you affected by Irene hunker down and stay safe.

Good Sunday morning people.  I hope all of you are high and dry, safe and sound, and happy go lucky.

Nobody fixes breakfast anymore. Guess I'll have to go to Waffle House.

Well at least there is some coffee.


Good morning Robbie!  Yes get your coffee before RRC comes to.  LOL  I had triple berry french toast yesterday.  I am not sure what I'll have this morning.  NOT soggy cereal I know for sure.  LOL
i love the omelets at Waffle House; the mixing in milkshake maker gives them a texture nobody else's have!

Morning all...survived the MRI, can I do it again today? I could have fallen asleep in there if they had left me a while longer. 

Oh and in case you are wondering, I made it through Irene...no rain but lots of wind. LOL

Thanks for the coffee Robbie, have a good day Richard....I better get ready to head to work. 

RRC  I am hoping the MRI results provide the answers.  Have a good at work.




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