TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Good morning refugees!  It's beginning to be another sunny summer day here.  Sharon's mother was hospitalized yesterday.  We knew she has a bladder tumor and her kidneys have been shutting down for a long time.  But now she has a bladder infection.  We are waiting for further test reports.  Sharon's sister is proactively on top of the situation.
Positive vibes headed west to Sharon and her mom Richard.
Thank you Larry
I'll be keeping Sharon's Mom in my thoughts and prayers, Richard... Thank goodness Sharon has a sister to help!!!  Family means so much in times like this...
Thank you KC.  Her mother is a 2 hour drive from here.  The sister lives a 10 minute drive away.  So a trip eats up the better part of a day for us.  Sharon gets some vacation time next week and hopefully her mother will be "visitable" still or home even.
Richard, More positive vibes being sent.
Thanks Robbie

glad i can finally catch up here.

both daughters reported in after quake and nobody's injured. still waiting to hear from my son but he lived in southern CA for a decade, so likely took it in stride.

i'm in Rapid City, SD, tonite.  saw Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse (a tourist trap) today, and drove east far enuf to see some of the Badlands -- that was well worth the driving time!  i'll eventually get the adapter for my micro memory card to move stuff to hard drive, and post somewhere.

Richard, what a bummer that Sharon's mother has been hospitalized.  i'm sorry; please tell her, for me.  that just sucks.

tomorrow i'm meeting yet another online friend in Sioux Falls; some of you may know Laura, she's visiting somewhere halfway between Sioux Falls and Omaha, and is willing to drive up to I-90 to meet me.

i lose another hour wednesday, from Mountain time to central time.  the good news is, my friends in Iowa City are amenable to me showing up a day early, Thursday afternoon, and that will let me be home sunday nite or monday.  i'm ready to be there....

looks like Irene is gonna' impact LOTS of folks i care about.  sigh.....

Hi Lynn, I'll pass on your message.  Please give Laura a hug from me.  (((HUG)))

will absolutely share your hug.

((Richard)) and ((Sharon))

Lynn, Give Laura a ((((Hug)))) for me too. Tell her we enjoyed her presence at the Pittsburgh Meet.

Lynn hug Laura for me too and I hope to see her in the flesh at the next Pit meet-up!!! :)




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