TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Good morning Robert!  Nice to see you on such a great day!

It is still morning.............yeahhhhhhhhhhh.....Is a day off except for a meeting I have to attend....will be over soon then on with the weekend..........no big plans....yet is a beautiful day and am almost finished with my lawn watering, for another day....will be glad when that is over...glad your shoulder is getting better RRC....Marty, maybe will get to see you if and when I go to KC....thinking of going this fall, and RRC, where is Russell in comparison to KC?

hope everyone has a fabulous friday, filled with love and laughter

Thallygal, This isn't RRC, but I've been there twice. It's on I-70 about half way across Kansas.

Good afternoon all!!! Having a good Friday so far... Little Justin will be coming tomorrow to spend a couple of days with Grandma and Grandpa!!! Looking forward to it... He's making progress with his Autism... He now plays with an I-Pad... His Dad put a bunch of small learning programs on it and Justin opens them and works on them... WOW!!! Now he won't just spend time watching TV!!!  Yaaaay!!!! He's also doing better with potty training... Very big step...  Can't wait to see how this weekend goes with him... :)


RRC, I hope your shoulder gets better without any operation!!!! Richard, are you and Lynn going to get together still??? Or have you already done that??? 

Moosie, you're welcome... Glad the banner made it back to you in one piece!!!

As Thally says, have a day filled with love and laughter everyone!!! (((HUGS)))

Hi Kittycat!  Lynn will be here this afternoon and beginning her trip back east tomorrow.  Can't wait to see her again.

Hi everybody. Friday night here. We are currently having a thunderstorm. Pouring down rain.

I need new tires on the jeep. Talk about sticker shock. Tires cost twice as much as when I last bought any. And the shop(Pep Boys) said that the word is, there will be another increase before the year is over.

here i am, sitting at Richard and Sharon's dining table, across from Ric hard.  am really enjoying them, and they have a lovely home here!  the doggies seem to be okay with me as long as i am seated and still, but they're not too happy when i try to stand up and move around....

we had a nice dinner at Milo's City Cafe (i think that was its name), and we all splurged on dessert!  i could sit and talk for ever, am very comfortable here!

We are enjoying Lynn's company and conversation.  It's great to see her again even for the short time she is here.  Can I call this a mini mini meet?

just a mini.  any time two or more are gathered....

this is THE time of year to visit the Pacific Northwest.  weather is beautiful -- sunny, cool-ish but warming up during the day.  no, i can't invite you all to their home but it surely is a lovely place to enjoy!

back on the road soon enough, this afternoon.

We are happy the weather was ideal for you Lynn.  You were good to get on the road early.  It was 104 in the sun in the backyard later in the day.  It cooled down into the 60s over night though.

Good morning all, 

Lynn, be safe on your journey.......I hope to get to meet Richard and Sharon one of these days, am certainly in Oregon enough,

Everyone have a day filled with love and laughter

Good morning!  A beautiful day to get the car washed and work outside.  I have never been to the Pacific Northwest, and I am determined to get there one day.  Enjoy it, and the company Lynn.  Hi Richard!





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