TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

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Our Fearless Leader, Moosie... Looks like he's trying to calm us all down... LOL

Last but not least for our Sunday Picnic pics is our group shot!!!! What a wonderful picture!!!  We all had a wonderful time and we thank Cat and Cyber Doug for all their time and effort... There aren't words to describe how much we all appreciate the two of you!!! Muah and lots of (((((((((HUGS))))))))

Kudos to Char's Tom for the nice group pic!

Such wonderful pictures..and you are right Cat the weather was perfect!! So glad you special ordered that wonderful breeze. 

Off to the dentist and the grocery store. Kiefer is home after the morning practice and is now eating bacon and eggs....and who knows what he will want for dessert. 

Can I go sit on that pier for a while?

Glad Kiefer made it OK through practice and has a good appetite!!  Hope your dentist appt. goes well... Go sit on that pier and enjoy the peace and quiet, RRC!!! Love ya!!
looking at all fun you all had makes me sad I could not make it but there is next year
We missed you too, Robert!!!  Hope you make it the next time... I'm looking forward to meeting you!!! :)
Jeez, wouldn't it be nice if we could get together on that pier every now and then?   *sighh*
thanks sooo much for the pics, Kittycat!

Woo Hoo! 60 degrees here in the Great Smokies this morning. Happy was dancing.

if anyone needs me, I'll be out mowing.

good morning to you all
Good morning!  I'm hoping y'all have a great day!




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