TBD on Ning

Name something you've never had a desire to own...something tangible that maybe most all your friends wanted or had, but you didn't. Heart attacks and the mange don't count.

As for me, I have never had the desire for a boat or a motorcycle.

Tags: beartrap, beehive, petrock, pets, thongpanties

Views: 369

Replies to This Discussion

Parachuting....why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?   I might do that someday...as opposed to bungee jumping....that's just freaky.
I'm not sure I could jump out of a perfectly bad airplane. As soon as I stepped out the door i would pee in my pants and suffer a severe cardio infraction or infarction or what ever it is that kills you instantly.
I didn't know "bike" was Bob's nickname until just now.
Hahahahaha!  'Tis now!
I never wanted rollerskates, but my parents bought them for me anyway.
Most of the mentioned items and activities (thongs possibly excluded) provide gravitational feedback that is very sensious to many of us. I have had boats, motorcycles, gokarts, and sport cars. I have to say, for me, doing a four wheel drift around a curve at high speed, or laid over on a motorcycle, or aerial acobatics provides a physical sensation that is exceeded only by sex. I also love rollercoasters. Downhill skiing is another way to experience the sensation. So, for us ugly, obnoxious guys who don't get much sex, all those things are wonderfull substitutes. (:>)

Metal skates, Goldi? I still have my skate key :-D

I didn't know there was such a thing as indoor skating until I was 14.

Yes, Quinn, they were the kind that clipped onto your shoes.  My skate key got lost in the move to another neighborhood.
Oh Goldilocks. . . I was the roller skating queen when I was a kid!  We had a really nice rink by my house.  As kids, that's what we did every weekend.  Next time I see you, bring them. . . I'll teach you!

Hi, Cat!  No, I don't have those skates any more, they are long gone.  I was, and am, way too uncoordinated to get the knack of rollerskating, and now am cautious about injured knees.

I'm glad you enjoyed skating so much!  It always looked like so much fun when the other kids skated, but I couldn't even stand up on the things.

I appreciate the offer very much, though! 

Do thongs require maintainance?
No Bob, I don't believe they do.
But apparently, some of the people that wear them do.




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