TBD on Ning

It is August 1 and I just couldn't post in the July thread. 

The dog days of summer are upon us...along with the August Meet in Pittsburgh.

Stop in have a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea. If it is later in the day help yourself to a glass of wine or bottle of beer.

Share a thought and let us know how life is treating you...we love hearing from you. 

Tags: August...

Views: 1630

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Drive safe RRC and hug everyone for me


Everyone, have a day filled with love and laughter

I will give them all a big hug just from you Thally...maybe we need a mini meet out here somewhere...you and Tammy are in CO....Kasey and I in Kansas....Jack in Salt lake city....Richard would have a bit of a drive. 

I am in RIchmond, IN in the most wonderful guest house.....they bumped me to a 3 bedroom apartment..or did I tell you all that already. I am a little tired, jumping up and hour has confused me. 

So I am getting set to head into Pittsburgh in a bit..might have to stop at another antique mall. Purely for business you know. 

Have a great weekend...

I'll have fun seeing you guys having fun.

Good morning from the cat house!  Everyone's up and moving, not sure both eyes are open yet, but Steve is as ornery as ever!

Have a great weekend!


Tell em to get their lazy asses moving and party!  We want to see embarrassing photos before they are fully awake too.
I wish I could have mad it I am bum out

Have FUN, FUN, FUN and don't do anything I wouldn't do...

Have a day filled with love and laughter and send lots of pics

I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport. My conecting flight to Pittsburgh is running about 2 hours late.

Modern day flying is so much fun.  I guess I should thank the system for allowing me to savor the experience for a period in excess of that for which I paid.

If you are at the Hotel, please have a drink ready for me around 3:30. (:>)


I know Odee is at the hotel.  He loves the hotel and has posted pictures and has been bragging . . . he might be there when you get there, I'll let him know you'll be there around 3:30.


Robbie, I just let Odee know you're delayed.  He'd love to have a drink with you when you get in.

Hell, he could unload my vehicle...and then have a drink.


I am glad to see all at the PA gathering are having a good time.  Memories and friends made to last for a long time.




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