TBD on Ning

it looks like we're winding down, and nobody bothered to open a discussion today, so i thought i'd just set up a thread for this month, and let whoever wanders in, whenever, post to it.  if our moderator wants to do something differently, you'll doubtless hear about it.

after realizing that i didn't need to move to MI, i'm going to Staunton, VA, the last week of this month, and thinking to plant myself there for the rest of my life.  no other roots yet, other than that's the home of the state's premier mental institution, altho' i've never (yet) been there.

the remnants of Independence Day week must be going slowly, since nobody's been here.  

yeah, i don't want to sign off tbd completely, but i realize that facecrack is taking over and all the follow-ons to TBD are slowly fading into oblivion.  still, i'm grateful for the people that Robyn's creation let me connect with, and i am glad to have that facecrack thingee so i don't lose track of my online friends completely.  

if nobody else starts in August, we can just sign off.  i'll be on the road that month.

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I just got up. After 3 days of mowing and drinking water and sweating, I slept in this morning.

I work Mon, Tue and Wed. Then have Thr. and Fri to get ready and will arrive in Pburg around noon SAT.

Any body know how far it is to the Hotel from the Airport? I do have a rental car. But, I'm not driving to the Karaoke. So, I'll need a ride, or catch a cab.

It's to early in the morning and I haven't had enough coffee yet.


Robbie, the hotel is about a half hour or 45 minutes from the airport.  The hotel is about 5 minutes to karaoke.  The hotel can arrange to have a van transport people to and from the karaoke for free, but after midnight, there is a fee.  She wasn't sure how much that would cost.  It's close, but a busy highway so you can't walk to karaoke or back.


I thought you were coming in earlier than Saturday. . . ok - I'll see you here next week!   





Can you print these "dough bucks"?  Uno's will donate to OFR 10% of our receipts if we use these coupons.  If our receipts are over $1000 they will donate 20% to OFR!!!  They can be used the entire time you're in Pittsburgh, not just for the karaoke event.  UNO's will not permit us to distribute these "dough bucks" on their premises.


AND, they've put us on their events web page:  




I was going to come a day earlier,but with the work schedule and needing to  board Happy, I cut it back to Sat and Sun and fly out Monday morning.
G'morning Cat!  Believe it or not it hasn't rained in a few days. *knocks on wood*  It's getting warm but not hot so it is ideal for me.

Good morning Richard!  Glad you're finally seeing some sun!  I was getting worried.  


I am hoping summer lasts longer since it has had such a late start.  I can feel the excitement building for the PA fandango.
Good Saturday morning people!  I am not sure what the weather will be.  But from what I saw, clear sky with Venus and Mars (I think) showing brightly at 3:30 this morning.  The doggies insisted it was a good time to go outside.  As it turned out it was a good time for them but not for me of course.  Then going back to bed Porsche won the race to my pillow but not for long.
I love animals!  I miss mine.  Even him being in my bed, and hogging the entire bed!
I can imagine Copper took up most of the bed real estate when he wanted.
Hi everyone!!!  Cat, glad you were able to get your kitchen back together!!! LMAO!!! How'd the paint job turn out???  I bet you're glad that's over... Lar and I made a bunch of copies of the UNO coupons... We'll bring them with us and keep them in the car... If anyone needs them they'll be there.... :)
Hi KC!  Have a nice weekend.  Is Larry ready to make some embarrassing videos next weekend?  LOL


oops was I screaming? I guess the coffee is working. I have been on a dead run since the store opened. 

Got the fencing last night so hopefully that can finally be finished. Also found a few new things to wear to work.

Nope haven't started packing yet Cat, still trying to figure out what all I want to wear and what cool jewelry I can sneak away from the store to coordinate with my outfits. LOL

Customers again..gotta run.

Good to see you all here, getting ramped up for next weekend...or is just too much coffee? 




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