TBD on Ning


If there is anyone who is able to make it to the meet at the last minute, please let me know.  We'd love to have you, and we have room for more!  I promise it will be a great time, and you'll remember it for a long, long time!  See you at the pavillion!






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He may not look like it here, but honest, he's a good time!

Here are just a few of your friends who will be at the meet:


Robbie, Goldilocks and George


Char and Tom







Debbie Abell and Cat




The main  Moose Man


Larry and Cowboy



OMG! That's about the only pic I've seen that I didn't want posted. I hope Maria can attend after all so I can kill her. (are we allowed to threaten lives on tbd?)
I remember that moment well, 3 women in the car and me. I knew something was up when it got quiet. I opened my eyes and she snapped the pic.
I'll let you live Cat because I love ya, I guess I'll have to let Maria live too for the same reason.
It would be great to see lots more TBD people there. There's no doubt it's really going to be a great time. I've been doing a lot of FB so I don't get here much. I've reduced myself to one social site.
Um, Larry, it's ok to go onto TWO social sites.
Too time consuming.
Cat, if you are taking the photo while driving I didn't blame Larry for looking concerned.  ;-)
Richard, I personally would NEVER take a picture like that of Larry. No way. Wasn't me.

If Cat offers you to stay at her place, you may want to just politely decline.

We visited yesterday.


You rat!

Can someone please talk Wendy into coming?


Seems Larry hasn't been here in so long, he forgot how to post a video.


LOL, yes I did forget.





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