TBD on Ning

I don't mean this to be a game, but more an exercise on reflection. There are days we are plagued with a particular question or questions and there are days we ruminate on dealing with answers or decisions already made, and for some, there are days we just question the answers.


I was inspired to write this after reading CaseyJo's thread on her cancer.


So, the question in my head is: Why does CaseyJo have to go through another bout of cancer again?


I know there are no certain answers, but if there are, please share. Otherwise, ask another question about life and hopefully someone could share an answer. You could also give an answer and someone else formulates the question for your answer.

Tags: Life's Questions & Answers

Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

Reply by Maricel Evasco 7 hours ago
...why do we seemed more wired to fear death than all the other species?

Like so many things in our lives, upbringing perhaps?
...I also believe that some people sail through life while others battle onward..

I think you might be surprised...Everyone may define "battle" differently. What seems trivial to me may not be to someone else.
I also think that people might put on a good face...
And, I think that everyone reacts differently to situations depending on the amount of strength and support they have or receive from others...


As far as sailing by in life....Kids from the slums have to fight a lot harder to make it than the pretty kids in braces from Beverly Hills.

As far as mental ability to accept pain & suffering, I dont think the people who are quiet about their pain are any stronger than the people who cry & talk about it.....Those are just 2 different ways of dealing.......Not sure holding everything inside is healthy & strong at all......I look at people who hold it all inside as missing that closeness to be able to share their pain w/ people who want to understand & go through it with them..

Its frustrating to want to help someone who wont tell you what they need...Always have to be strong....Sometimes I think the need to be so strong can hurt those around us.....

Only if we allow it.
YA...Thats true Robbie.....So True. Easier said than done when it comes to those we love though.

I have a hard time believing in divine intervention when millions of Children die of Starvation, people are swept off beaches in hurricanes, die of aids, etc, etc, etc....So God pics special people to get saved on City Streets?

When I worked downtown sanford doing micro-filming 3 of us girls came to work one day in the EXACT same watch. None of us thought back on the events that made us put on those watches that morning, but I'm sure we could have come up with a miracle story if we wanted one bad enough.....Wow.....We were amazed...Divine....I think not, just plain old coincidence I would say. 

 God should have just made him sick that day so he didnt go out at all, that way he would not have to be saved at all....

Overwhelmingly all that surrounds us are the blind physical forces of probability and genetic replication.

Some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky...no rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice.


"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."

Though I agree with you that for the most part there is no rhyme to the ills that befall man kind, I would also argue against saying there is no justice as well. There is major injustice involved in a certain population manifesting illness. Think in terms of economic class divisions and benign neglect. Poorer people do not have the quality access to good health care as do their more well-to-do counterparts. Many off their illness could have been minimized, prevented, or even cured had they been given the right guidance or treatment.


For many years, public school children in NYC were exposed to asbestos and other hazardous chemicals...and people wonder why asthma is such a big issue in the city.


Perhaps one way to see things on a larger scale is that the survival of a species depends on the demise of the less fortunate (population control) if you subscribe to social  Darwinism.




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