TBD on Ning

It's not clear to me if it is summer even though June and July could be considered summer months.  The furnace came on this morning!


Everyone have a safe weekend with much fun and good memories.

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Shopping spree........ you must have received my check!  ;-)

LOL!!!!!!!!  Yes, I did receive your check!  HA HA HA. . . .  and I thank you!


p.s., I'd like you all to take note that it's 10:00 p.m. here and I'm still up.  Hopefully, I'll sleep past 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.  *wondering how to shut off that internal clock*

Sorry it took so long Cat.  Thank you for your help and patience.  You can crawl off the end of that limb now.  LOL

Oh heck, I don't sweat the small stuff.  Thank you!  


And by the way, how the heck are ya?  Still working like a maniac?

p.s. I don't know if you remember me telling you awhile ago about the water mill. . . well, it's fairly close to the meet. .  maybe I'll stop by there and get a pic.
Please do I'd love to see it.  Do you think we both can remember by then?  LOL
Yes I am working long hours with three projects going at once in different stages.  I am thinking I would rather get the money without working for it.  If I figure that out I will share it with you.  Don't hold your breath or quit your day job though.  LOLOL

Actually, my job has been going much better.  But I like your way of thinking!


Guess what?  I think we're getting rain tomorrow!  Maybe my lilac trees will survive.  I hope it's more than those 5 minute showers we've been getting for weeks now.  Grass is browning.  

it would be good to dampen things up there before the fireworks get going full blast.
Saturday afternoon. . .  where's that rain they promised?




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