TBD on Ning

First time I come in in a week or more, and no one is here?  What is up with that, is everyone still sleeping on this beautiful Saturday morning?  Have missed being here, have been too busy and too hot and they have blocked this site at work...so when I have some down time, have to work instead of play, now that is a bummer!!!!! 

Hope everyone has a happy forth weekend filled with love and laughter

I am leaving for Oregon two weeks from yesterday, will be there two weeks from today and am excited....

For now, good morning

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Good morning Thally! I'm up!  Been up since the wee hours of the morning.

Just got back from the local hardware store.  I don't have a faucet outside and it's a real pain to carry out little watering cans to water the flowers.  SO. . . I thought I'd hook up a garden hose to the kitchen sink and just put the hose out the sliding glass door.  Well, doesn't fit.  So I went to the hardware store and bought a connector.  The man assured me this is what I wanted.  Came home, hooked it up, turned on the water and went outside to water the plants.  SO exciting.  UNTIL I went in the kitchen and there was water everywhere.  SO. . . I put an extra washer in the faucet, looked good, and finished watering. NOW, I can't get the darned thing off my faucet.  Sliced up my finger a bit, and taking a break until the bleeding stops.  (just a small cut)  Of course, I don't have pliers to fit. . . *sigh*  I think I'll just leave it on.

No plans is a good plan, Marty!  I'm cleaning.  Again.  My son is living with me, he's rarely here, so how can I make such a mess?  Sheesh.
Still waiting on some rain here. . . I just know it'll come tomorrow when I have my cookout!

Finally getting here after a wild, hectic, crazy day. Had an artist showcase at the store today, our lady who makes stained glass was here showing us how it is done.

My feet are tired.

Hope your hand is better Cat....great idea though.

Hot and humid here with no rain in site.


hello, all.  a trip to see my daughter, collect mail, and have lunch with a friend, brought me back home later than usual.  hot and humid is our thing for the weekend.  looks like lots of places will need to cancel fireworks due to how dry the landscape is, that's pretty unusual!

Thanks for opening, Thalia.  i know this OR trip is a mixed blessing for you, but i'm glad you can go.

Cat, hope you could reclaim your kitchen faucet w/o worse injury.  those little cuts, like paper cuts, can sure bleed, don't they?

RRC, stained glass is such a beautiful thing, to watch an artist take pieces and make a picture, just fascinating, but yes, standing there all day is hard!

Marty, too bad you can't visit New Orleans sometime besides summer -- spring fall &winter it's much better weather, but the food's great anytime, for sure!

where's our guys today?  all of 'em must be working on their honey-do lists!




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