TBD on Ning


Happy is ready to hit the road.


Bye Bye Livingston. Hello, Knoxville.

Tags: count, down

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Good morning!  You're getting closer Robbie.  Hi there Happy!

Another busy day.  I need to go get that darn driver's license picture taken.  Been trying to for weeks, but I keep missing it.  Either that or I start out to do it, and forget where I'm going so I end up shopping or something.  I'm determined.  Today I'm getting it taken care of before it expires in a couple of days.


It's also the little one's official birthday party at the park.  Gotta go get the cake, and do some other running around.  Y'all have a great day!  bbl

got another signed contract on the house, but this buyer wants an inspection and opt-out rights if she doesn't like it, so the deal won't be official for another week-plus.  sigh...

have a great weekend!

It is summer all right...it is hot in Kansas. 

Good luck Lynn, hope this is the right buyer for you. Smile Cat, gotta look good in your picture.

Have a good day to the rest of those who wander through. Got my Garmin yesterday, so now I am ready for the trip.

Lots of folks through the store so far, looks like a busy day.


Good luck Lynn!

RRC. . . I love my Garmin.  Um . . since I'm fairly new to this area, I use it around here.   A lot of country here, and easy to get lost and end up an hour from home.  (well, been here for 3 years. . . that's new isn't it?  LOL) 


OK, maybe you read my post on FB about being in a store this morning and seeing Cowboy walk in.  Well, it SURE looked like Cowboy.  Turned out it wasn't.  What do you think?  Think it looks like him?


The imposter, this morning in a store where I was:

The real deal in my kitchen last year:

took me for a loop!


Just found out that my aunt from outside of Chicago died today.  Very sad.  Out of 10 brothers and sisters, only one brother and one sister of my mom's is still living.  I really liked her a lot. . . we'd tease her terribly and she had a great sense of humor.  I'm so glad I went out to visit with her a few months ago.  She was a very bright lady,  a school teacher all her life, and had a very memorable laugh.  She was also a hoarder!!!  A real hoarder.  Her girls have a big job ahead of them.  RIP Auntie!
Except for the tatoos, you could have fooled me.

thanks, Cat and RRC for your good wishes!  i too hope this is the 'real deal.'

that imposter would've fooled me, i was wondering why you were in Ohio this afternoon!  yikes!  he's in New Paris, OH, 'til morning, at least, then maybe gets to head east towards Massachusetts, over the weekend.

Cat, about your aunt, somehow, the further removed, the easier it is to cope, i find, but everyonceinawhile, it just all adds up that too damn many friends and relatives have departed, and i have to stop and deal with it.  i'm sorry....


Thanks, Lynn.  It was her time, and although she didn't look at all herself when I saw her a few months ago, she knew it was me, knew exactly who I was and kinda snickered at me.  All is well.

As far as Steve goes, I guess anything is possible.  You never know when he'll show up!


p.s. I did get that driver's license photo done finally.  





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