TBD on Ning

What do you have planned for this weekend? If you are in the South, it probably invols some way to stay cool. I have to go to work now, but I'm off tomorrow. Any suggestions?

Tags: Fun, Weekend, baseball, concerts, hiking, nascar, picnics, sex, soccer

Views: 6

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Good morning Robbie and all who check in today.  This will be a nice weekend to work on the yard and have a cool one or two on the deck.


I didn't get to the water wheel work party yesterday.  Too many other issues to deal with and ending with a consultation with a veterinary surgeon.  Bentley will be going in on Monday for double knee surgery.
Aw. . . Richard, is Bentley the newer one?
Bentley has been in our family longer.

Good morning!  Yep!  I'm ready for the weekend.  If I can find a kayak buddy, I'll go out.  If not, it's off to the pool for me.


Hmmm. . . Robbie. . . . "fun, weekend, baseball, concerts, hiking, nascar, picnics, sex, soccer"   What are YOU doing this weekend? 

Morning Cat!  Isn't this a list of what Robbie is NOT doing this weekend?  LOL
Whew. . . thanks, Richard!

Morning all....another day trying to tolerate all the hubub around here. Who plans all the events on Friday during the day? I will have to miss the anvil shooting since I will be working. 


It has cooled down here at least...yippee..sat outside last night and the breeze was actually chilly. LOL

Good luck to Bentley, hope all goes well. 

poor Bentley.  poor family pocketbook, too....

just got off a 2.5 hour conference call.  ugh.  heading to the pool!

We knew Bentley's surgery was inevitable.  That's why we are not making the trek to PA in August.


Ugh is right Lynn.  I used to have a weekly conference call that lasted way too long and didn't accomplish much with too many opinions.  They are exhausting!  LOL

Sending good vibes your way, Richard, I hope the surgery goes well.  Give little Bentley a big hug.
Thank you Cat, I'll give him lots of hugs.  He is scheduled to come home with a sack full of drugs on Tuesday if his recovery goes well.  Have a great weekend!




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