TBD on Ning

It's that time of year.....

Time for commitment...time for advancement...time for changes.

If you are inclined....

Share your times of "crossing the bridge".

Post an image of you..."back in the day".  

Getting married or graduating, or even becoming a parent.


Forever and ever









Match made in heaven...








I will rule the world...or at least look good trying.

Tags: for better or worst, hi-jack fursure, rocking the cradle, shoot the moon

Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

Oh, my gosh - you ARE darling!!
This is a beautiful portrait.
Awe...Who couldn't love that little bundle of joy.....What a little darling.


 Much cuter, Female, Indiana Jones in training.

how cute is that?
Love the hat...love the hands...
My Mom was more like the mean step-mother..I think she used to cut my bangs way to short & crooked on purpose & make me eat soft boiled eggs so I would possibly choke to death.......Look at the funny way they dressed us....I think I look downright evil.....The bad seed.
Yeah, you're probably the source of most of the world's evils.....chicken liver, grass burrs, fire ants, warts, crooked teeth, jaundice, California, Republicans, tomato worms, hook worms, book worms, Oak wilt, hoof and mouth disease, etc......etc.....

Alright!! Happy wants in on this.

Happy Wednesday,


Happy Thursday

He just said Woof! But, I don't think it's at you. He's sitting on the couch looking out the window. So, I'm sure it's another dog. Or a squirrel, or a cat. Maybe a dove. He woofs at all those.
What is that thing on the end of his tail...a french tickler? He is french right?
Happy's shorn!




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