TBD on Ning

AND i HOPE CAT IS FELLING BETTER TO DAY  get well cat we miss you

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My day off after three days of work in the heat of East Texas. So, I slept in.

Robert, I think I'll have that plate of fried eggs. However, think I'll turn them over and fry them for about another 10 min or so. (:>)

Where is everybody? I guess eveybody except robert and I are on summer vacation this week.

Oh well, Lots to do.

We had 92% Humidity here this morning.

No, no Robbie. . . I'm here too. Nice that you have a day off, and I'll bet you make the most of it. I'm working, and things are really busy, but not impossible like a week or so ago, so life is good again.

Thanks for breakfast Robert!!
Such a perfect week weather wise here. 90s, lots of sun. . . what more could one ask for? Looks like another pool weekend for me coming up.

Morning all....I am still trying to catch up on my sleep but my phone range at 5 am....

It is getting hot here...yuck. The store was crazy yesterday....can't imagine what the rest of the summer will be like.

I'll take another refill on my coffee....... 

hear is the new water park my old boss built all of the slides come out of the 747  it just open on the first 

good morning all

it's 'bout time for this east coast heat wave to end....  Michigan's looking pretty good, today!

thanks for breakfast with flowers, Robert!

Still have a sore throat. . . must be allergies.  Thank you Robert!




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