TBD on Ning

Has everyone in the lodge been raptured but me?? 

Pfftt....then I guess I get the Master suite now don't I!! And I can leave my stuff strewn around and no one will yell at me....and I can even run around naked without worrying about spoiling anyone's appetite. 


Tags: Rapture, naked, sleeping

Views: 8

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Mmmm...and I don't have to  share my breakfast.
Heck, I can eat in bed now...and watch TV....hogging the entire King size bed.
*peers in window*  Oh my!!!!!

Good morning {{{RRC}}} and Richard.


Good morning Chris, have a nice day!

*Running in the room and jumping on the bed*

I was waiting for someone to make something to eat....LOL!  G'morning!  Having a busy weekend with my son here.  He certainly takes up a lot of my attention when he's around but I do kinda like it.  He and his brother helped me clean and organize my garage yesterday....I love having sons!  Today I hope to spend some time in the yard.....it's supposed to rain later but is beautiful now....I'm getting out there before the clouds arrive.


Have a great day everyone!

Good morning {{{Belle}}}

Hey Richard, I wonder if there will be a Nyotaimori dish today? LOL But we can’t forget, the ladies might prefer Nantaimori instead.
I am sure they would opt for Nantaimori given the choice.  But who knows, there might be a closet Nyotaimori participant out there somewhere.  LOL

Good Sunday morning all

Here we are...am sitting as if I were married and done well...now ain't that a joke...

Hope everyone has  a fabulous sunday filled with love and laughter

No special plans for me...will go where the wind blows me I suppose


Good morning {{{Thallygal}}}
Good morning Thally!  I hope the wind doesn't blow you too hard.
It's blowing hard today..cannot stand the wind...




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