TBD on Ning

My relatives have currently been exchanging testy emails about the photo disclosure controversy. One of my relatives married a Muslim guy (a very nice man) and has converted to the Muslim faith. She is taking offense at the avid interest in seeing visual proof of Osama's death. On the other hand, my other relatives are saying why is there such reticence in disclosing those photos when Saddam's public execution didn't meet with much controversy.


I was quite disturbed earlier day when I saw an American flag raised under the ramp to the Tappan Zee Bridge which I cross to get home. I never saw that flag before. Is that flag raised to symbolize victory over the death of the biggest terrorist leader? If so that victory was a hollow one considering how the war against terrorism bankrupted our country. I think that was Osama's original intent hence the symbolic destruction of the world's financial center. I felt choked up remembering my brother's best friend, Arnold Lim, who I grew up with. He died that day in one of the towers. What a waste of a life with great potential.


I hope someone takes that flag down and raises it again during a national day of celebration, not as a celebration of Hate.


If this offends anyone, I apologize, but I really feel strongly seeing that flag raised even it was in an inconspicuous place.

Tags: Osama Photo Controversy

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It might be good, after some of the furor has died down, to release bin Laden's mortuary photos - If only to serve as one more nail in his coffin, to underline that he wasn't the Devil, he didn't have mystical powers, he wasn't even the goddamn Bogey Man - He was just a man, a fucked-up, hateful little prick with too much money, a skewed imagination and not enough people telling him to get the hell over himself - Kinda like Donald Trump, when you think about it.
Someone up my block, climbed to the top of a 20 ft wooden telephone pole, and nailed a placard painted with the statement: WE GOT HIM.  In my mind....10 yrs later?????? why so slow?????? Seriously, what took the military too long? I have my doubts about them wanting him dead right away. There must have been some form of conspiracy for it take 10 yrs to put out an enemy. With all the western and eastern  intelligence network and sophisticated tracking devices and stealth copters, why did it take 10 yrs???????????




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