TBD on Ning

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,....


Tags: roles in life

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As usual, the skeptical wise-ass. I've lived in the role for so long now, it's become first nature to me.


And lord knows, I DO have my critics.

I never really understood this quote until I got involved with social networking. I now realize that in real life most people are playing roles that are required of them in a civilized society. The face presented to the world during day to day interactions is not the "real" them. Often the "real" them emerges on the internet.

Then there are the people on the internet who love role playing so much that they will often post using more than one avatar and user name even in the same thread.

Interesting observation Robbie.
Robbie..... what and how one writes on the INTERNET (unless it is CnP) usually reveals something about the person.  Get someone really angry online, and you get to see that someone's true colors.
What roles am I playing...... mom, teacher, and observer rather than participant. (This bothers me.)




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