TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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the Labs a lap dance. For a vacation she went to D'sGirl's place and...
got along just fine with her other pets, but when she tried to nibble the ears off of D's Girl's chocolate rabbit...
it was taken away as chocolate is bad for dogs, and she was given..
a nice pigs ear to chew on, but since the pig was still attached...
Mimi got head-butted royally, and decided to go off...

to  get a new hair doo and get her nails painted pink.

Then she found  out...

that she had amnesia from being head butted. She couldn't even remember...

...what her pedigree was, and soon began acting like a fun, down to earth mutt.

She even started...

hanging around with a bunch of goofballs on TBD. These individuals were known to...
...the canine clan as Bubba's buds, and had a reputation of spoiling dogs, giving them treats, letting them ride around in convertibles and...

laughing their butts off. One of Bubba's buds, d's g, aka Gopher Nose, was known for being sassy, and...

talking back, even to the dogs. One day Gopher Nose tripped over one of the dogs' toys & said, in no uncertain terms, "Beauregard, if you don't stop leaving your toys strewn all over the floor I'm gonna give them all to the cats who live next door!" Well, Beauregard was dumbfounded. Then he got mad. So for revenge he...




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