TBD on Ning


Merlot or hard cider.... Merlot or hard cider....?


Could be book or TV... book or TV....?


Shower or not... Shower or not....?


TBD or fb... TBD or fb...?




Chores or read a magazine...


Laundry or clean the kitchen...


Crossword or Sudoku...


What's for After Dinner?

Tags: Beer, Chores, Clean the Kitchen, Homework, Laundry, Scotch, TBD, TV, What's for After Dinner, Wine

Views: 226

Replies to This Discussion

topless & mooned... ya think we might get arrested for that, but no, we didn't.

...amazing what you can get away with when you're middle-aged. '-)

It was a lovely, weekend, Jaylee, although I was still struggling w/that depression & anxiety, but being w/this love of my life who is sooo good to me sure goes a long way.

...sounds like you're in need of a lovely weekend. Are you & your cowboy going to be seeing each other in person any time soon? I hope so! 

(Y'all need to come on over to d's B&B in Hotlanta for a long weekend! '-)

...I'll cook up some really good grits every morning for your Texan.

Nothing..I ate my ice-cream after breakfast.
Scrounging through cupboard looking for that last little bite of "Mo's Bacon Bar"......:-)
A few crakers....those kind with pretzel on one side.
No cheese whiz?  That would be perfect...really.   :-)

I got in late last night, ate dinner WAY late & had no After-Dinner anything except bed.


mr. hottie's coming over tonight, so I'm hoping for a different response for tonight's "What's for After-Dinner?"


Well.... maybe not. '-)

*sheesh...young 'uns*

ha! who are you kidding, missy? You're JUST like us!! '-)


What's for After-Dinner?

...so far, the last half of Lehrer, the first half of a PBS special on Nixon & now I'm in bed, hanging out w/you guys while Ducatiman is having a Skype visit w/one of his sons.



Cereal AND Ice Cream! ;-p


I'd rather be having ice cream. Or cereal.

Come on, Quinn... you're as big a man as I am... go for broke. Rather be having BOtH. '-)
In the same bowl?????




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