TBD on Ning

Welcome to Ladyg’s Place, a place to come in and visit
with friends, listen to music, read, laugh, eat goodies....have'
fresh brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a Dew or two!!!

If no one is around just leave a note to let us know you came
by....Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is




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Wow........storm hit around 4:45 pm......but I fell asleep......I'm so

Thankful that no one was hurt.....Ladyg!! from what I can tell this

storm is coming out of the Gulf....

tornadoes are really scary.  glad you and your loved ones made it through....

wishing you a good Thursday.


Coming by late afternoon.......wishing all a wonderful Thursday......now

going to take a much needed nappy!!! :)

Everyone is fine Lynn and Mary thank you for caring.............Mary you need the nap..........rest and be well my sista♥


Well never did get my nappy in.......oh well........working all day tomorrow

so will be in around this time tomorrow......shucks.......I'm just glad to be

feeling a little better, still have a cough and the nose think......but my body

doesn't feel like a truck ran over it!!! :)


I'm just glad to know you are ok Ladyg.......and Lynn!!! :)

hooray for Friday!

sad about the quake in Japan, and all the tsunami damage.  still, can't help but be fascinated by the raw power of mother nature

Rushing in....to say Happy Friday.....just getting in.....late.......I'm so

sorry to hear about what's happen......and pray for those who have lost

loved ones........

Yes my friends it is sad and I pray for all those people.............

OH Thank y ou Ladyg.......I did forget today is the day to do that!! lol

I'm going to have me a nice long nap when I come home today.......before I do anything

else......having only 4 hours of sleep.......:)




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