TBD on Ning

I'm going to sand it down, but keep the old stickers on it, stain or paint it & most likely use it as a coffee table.....

If you found this old trunk sitting on the road, what would you do with it? Leave it,  take it & sell it to someone outright, or re-finish it? If you were to refinish it, what would you do to it & what would you use it for?

Views: 78

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We need to go over to the "guy" thread...

Men are bigger horders than women.

Why do you all think you can "fix" everything?

Then why is the toaster still sitting there, broken, three years later??


Haa Haaa....So true Quinn...LMAO.

lol Robbie! '-)


Great thread, caseyjo.

Thanks D

I was daydreaming earlier...

I Googled the college and imagined a young girl packing her belongings into this trunk to start an adventure.

And, then, years later passing the trunk to her daughter who flew to Europe to study art in Paris...


I know that both stickers look to be "newer" than early 20th century, but my daydream works better in that era ;-) 

I can see it...

Both stickers look to be newer, but the ships wheel & wheat could be older than I think...Doubt the 20's....Maybe 40's 50's ?. My vision....A young man leaving school to go into the service, or one just graduating moving closer to his first great job offer.

I get the feeling the trunk was put on the curb because rats had made a nest inside out of something that was in the trunk...When I found it there was torn up stuffing from something in the top of the case which had fallen to the bottom, but no velvet material like I saw in a pic of this same trunk.....I bet the stuffing was once covered in velvet at the top.

I bet the people or person who owned it were freaked out by the rat nest & decided to toss the trunk ...There was a very nice ranch style home where I spotted it.

One scrappy looking trunk....so many stories.  I like this.
I will post more history do-dads tomorrow...There are a couple that are different from the green stickers I forgot to take pics of. I will post those tomorrow & maybe by then I will have heard from the college....:)

I wandered in late....but I have to say you have been given some excellent advice. I am looking forward to seeing more pictures. Sounds like quite a find, I love re-using things and saving them from being tossed into the trash.


So we have another scrapper in Ruby..Yeahhh. Excellent advice is right so I know now what I will do...I will do the Gojo & let it be as a coffee table. .

I will post more pics tonight & I got info about the insignia from the college.......I just got back from the grocery store & now I have to go to the auto parts store for the Gojo. See you all later...




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