TBD on Ning

I bought a five pound bag of frozen chicken wings, unadorned.  I wanna do this Super Bowl up right.


These are "first and second chicken wing sections", and contain "up to fifteen percent solution", and are protected with "up to 8% chicken broth glaze".  WTF?  This is just information gleaned from the front of the package....I haven't really checked the back yet.


Anyway, I have a few of the wings thawing, and I thought I'd submerge 'em in some Lawry's Buffalo BBQ Marinade a little later, and season with some cayenne pepper, and bake 'em up.  I'll serve 'em at my Super Bowl party (to which I am the only invitee) along with some chips and dip, and call it good.


So, how do you make up your chicken wings?  Is it easier to just buy 'em at Hooters, or what?



Tags: I'mnoemeril

Views: 22

Replies to This Discussion

how was the jig w/the other Catholic last night, Kooner? My guy's out of town, so I'm looking to live vicariously through you before I get my day underway.

well, I'm glad it was satisfactory, but I was hoping for "rocked my world!" '-)

d@mned relatives...

oooohhh..... that changes everything. Yay for you! we can't really get our world rocked w/out our heart being rocked first.

Sounds familiar, funes.


I'll have to try your recipe for the next wingfest....sounds pretty good.

Did we hijack another thread?





We keepin' score???
She may be talking about something else...O, probably not. Mr. Hottie is out of town...

Oh, well in that case I'll keep my pad and pencil handy.

LOL!!! I KNOW. It's showing, isn't it? Boy, have I gotten spoiled. 


The "SCORE" was in reference to us hijacking yet another thread. I think we should name ourselves the "Hijack Gang." '-)

hey! then we could add crime to Guns, Smoking, Religion, Sex & Alcohol.

well, maybe not... that's a bit lame. Sorry, Quinn must be contagious.


(she's gonna kick my @ss any minute now)

let me nullify the coming KIP...




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