TBD on Ning

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What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6083

Replies to This Discussion

I ate all I could to keep them from going bad.
I guess I gotta go to the donut shop tomorrow to join the Liberals for coffee, and a donut.  Recently, they didn't raise the price of the cinnamon twists, but they did start makin' 'em about 18% smaller.
"A" donut???
I usually have a greasy breakfast at home before I go there, Bob.  The donut is kinda like dessert, the missing 18% notwithstanding.
For the morning "rush"!
What are those things.....seashells?

Be carefull, Stir...


Hey...slap some butter on 'em...!  All is good.

They're called "conch pastry".

If I add sugar to my French Toast tomorrow can I call it "pastry"?

' prolly. 

* That's Danny O-speak for  'probably'.  At least I think I saw him write it...once....*


p.s.   Chez,  time to pipe in and change the images for the Q&A.....X-mas is LONG over...just saying ( as I have heard, so is that term...darn).

Favorite pastry....is Mock Apple Pie a pastry?




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