TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

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everybody. He was quite surprised when he woke up and found...
Mrs. Pennypacker curled around him, sound asleep & purring up a storm. TeeBubba wouldn't have minded, but her breath smelled like...
well...like cat breath. You know, kinda like a combo of wet fur and old tuna. TBubD almost coughed up a hairball himself, but...
trotted off to the door and scratched at it and barked to wake everyone up so he could get out to do some leg lifting.
d'sGirl woke up and started making Bloody Mary's.
bethd smiled and said it's got to be 5 o-clock somewhere and......
"make mine a double." Westerly asked d'sgirl to make hers with tequila and called it a Bloody Jose. Mrs. Pennypacker wanted an apple martini, so TBubD had to go the liquor store for her. When he got back, Beth was dancing on the table with...
with Bobby Flay . They were going to cook up and make......
an announcement about who Bobby Flay was, as Westerly - poor dear! - was so darned clueless. And then some pro from DWTS asked Westerly to dance a waltz with him, and she laughed and asked, is it true that the way they count the votes is by....
by presentation, originality,and taste.
Bobby Flay is 'the iron chef', also has a cooking show on food channel, has a fancy dancy restaurant in NYC, he has racehorses and one filly, named "More Than Real", won the 1 million dollar filly turf race Nov 5th at Churchill Downs. Westerly was so astounded she asked him for...
his best roadkill redipe. Bobby replied that he had many, but thought that his Possum pancakes were his favorite. Mainly, because they were already flat, so it was a pretty easy recipe. But he said, it you wanted to try something a little more adventurous, you could try his Slow Squirrel Stew, Center Line Bovine, Chunk of Skunk, Smidgen of Pigeon, Road Toad Ala Mode, Outta Luck Duck, Bee Beep Sheep, Whippoorwill on a Grill, Shake'n Bake Snake, Yellow line Porcupine, or his world famous, Rig or Mortis Tortoise. Westerly thought they all sounded tasty, so she told Bobby...
she was in the midst of a cleanse, so she would have to pass, but...
that as soon as she was emptied out, she would be ready for a refill, one pulverized part at a time. Meanwhile, could he advise her on the proper beverage...
as bethD was laughing her ass off from Teebubbadee's and Bobby Flay's menu,
she managed to say I will get a proper beverage from Monaghans Liquoer Store and
I want 'Outta Luck Duck" for dinner. Mrs. Pennypacker will like that too".
"ohh the beverage of choice was Coors light, Captain Morgan's rum",
and ...................




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