TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

Tags: Fellowship, Food, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 144

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{{{{{{{ Lynn }}}}}}}, I'm glad that everything is peaceful for you, and that spending time w/your guy......is wonderful......you deserve to have happiness...in your life as does {{{{ Ladyg}}}}}}, Love to both of you! :)

thank you for sharing my happiness, Mary! yes, this has been a very good trip! i'm actually wishing i didn't have to return home at all, but i must. i keep extending the time, but will be home before the end of next weekend -- thanksgiving and family and all that are waiting.

have a great Saturday, Mary and Ladyg, and anyone else who wanders in here!

have a beautiful sunday
i'm 'way late, but i got here. hope your sunday was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL Talk about the tool guy!!!........Good Monday morning to you {{{{ Ladyg }}}}}!
Oh and a good Monday morning or afternoon to you {{{{ Lynn }}}}!

here i am, wrapping up the day again. i've extended my stay here, won't be leaving til Friday afternoon, and am truly wishing i never ever needed to leave at all. what a wonderful man, and i could live here, as well as where i'm at, but the transition is gonna' take some more months. sigh.

there's a pool here, where i can swim to my heart's content; it's beyond "rural" -- everything seems to be 30+ miles away, but still, i'll take driving on empty roads over sitting in congested traffic any day, travel times aren't that much longer!

((((Ladyg)))) ((((Mary))))




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