TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1123

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grub apps are my favorite.

TPAM is jonesing for a costume party.
TPAM will be dressing up as Princess Leia for Halloween...
TPAM shall dress up as Julio Iglesias for Halloween.
TPAM used to date Cher.
Yeah, I did. And I broke it off with it her because I developed an allergy to latex, silicone, fiberglass. surgical tape, p-phenylenediamine, formaldehyde, Bondo, structural rebar and incredibly shitty music.

TPAM shall dress up as a gigantic inflatable pig for Halloween, until his tethering lines snap and he drifts aimlessly through British airspace until he's shot down by the RAF,
Actually, Dug, I don't do Halloween, but my bff is having an effing costume party which we're invited to, and I guess we're going. are you kidding me?!? sheesh. I think I'm going to wear a sweater or jacket to which I've attached a bunch of remote controls & go as a control freak.

TPAM is simply jealous of Cher b/c he wants desperately to have all that work done on himself, but his fiancee won't let him.
TPAM will be filming Guys Gone Wild auditions at her studio..... ;->
TPAM is waiting for the sequel Old Dudes Gone Mild.
TPAM has "California Girls" as his ringtone.
tpam loves bridezilla
WHAT did you just call my fiancee?!

TPAM uses kitty litter in her quiche Lorraine.
tpam has been engaged since 1865, when he pretended to die,
and hooked up with the bride of Frankenstein.




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