TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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they rounded up all the Anglo-Euro Pillager descendents, put them in camps & returned the lands back to the native peoples with encouragement to...
be kind to animals and get new outfits.
D's Girl volutered to teach them how to dress for this day and age and...
Beth made Halloween costumes for them while...
I started working on a Halloween soundtrack sure to frighten and nauseate the dim-witted and sure to delight and humor the bright and perverse....
the soundtrack was great and the party turned into a Monster Mash.
Snagg didn't have a costume, he didn't need one, he is scary enough , Beth came in a striped prisoner
costume with a ball and chain, TeebubbaDee, Chez and D's girl came as....
...An amateur Mormon family (Did you know that, in Utah, non-LDSers refer to Mormon's beloved SUV's as "MAV's - "Mormon Assault Vehicles"? True Story.), and Bob came as Sam Elliott, and Ubu came as French absurdist playwright and `pataphysicist Alfred Jarry, and BethD came as the crazy cat lady up the street, and Westerly came as a weather vane, and...
dressed her little dog as a kernal of candy corn in a golden triangle with a little white beanie, and when Teebubb caught sight of "babe," as she is called, he....
sniffed her butt and took her out to buy a bag of skittles, and proposed to her to live in a sweet life.
They were happy until...
...It came time for a visit to the vet, and Ubu didn't want to go. He peed all over the car seat on the way and...
made a wrong turn so instead of the vet's office, they ended up at Snagg's house, where they all...
invaded his pantry where he had freeze-dried meat stored on the lower shelves. The pets smiled happy, satisfied smiles, and then were startled by a glimpse of...
his self portrait, it terrified them and they ran away to go to D's Girl place.
She openly greeted them and asked them if....




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