TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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everyone wanted to go for a walk to the beach, except June flew off on her broom.
Beth walked TeeBubbaDee and tossed him a frisbee,
D's girl and Mr. Hottie went behind the building on the beach and...
made out, as usual. '-) Mrs. Pennypacker made an exception this ONE time & strolled along the beach w/d's canine friends, while....
Mrs.Pennypacker gets along fine with D's sociable dogs as long as they let her rule. Beth snuck back to Monaghans to get some cold ones and peanuts. On the way back she ran into...
TBubD still chewing on the frisbee because he was hungry. Beth showed mercy on the pitiful dog by sharing her cold brew and peanuts. TBubD was so grateful that he allowed Beth to...
dress him in a Halloween costume & enter him in the local...

"Race To The Magical Golden Fire Hydrant" annual melee. All entrants welcome. Just remember to...
drink a lot of water before the contest. This advice is also good when you have to...
drink a lot of beer, TeeBubbaDee won the contest ( thanks to Beth's beer buying skills) and beth took him and Mrs.pennypacker to PetCo, where the pets go to get him a big bone for a reward and Mrs.Pennyapcker some cat nip toys, meanwhile D'sGirl was still...
making out with Mr. Hottie. (sheeeesh, does that girl ever get enough?) Anyway while she was making out, she got the idea to...
come up for air and get a room.
They hotrodded it over to...
that hotel in Buckhead where they had first... well... that's just not appropriate for this thread. (I DO have a line, although it's pretty far out there '-)

Anyway - - - *ahem*...... while they were in the lobby of the hotel, lo & behold, in walks TeeBubba, Beth & Chez, with...
a pecan pie, and some drinks and some paint.
They knew beth had to paint...




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