TBD on Ning

As in, "What's So BAD About..."

Like, fer instance...WSBA letting your dog root around in the neighbor's flower bed?

Not that I've ever let mine do that, Heavens, No...

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The water cooler gossipers.

WSBA Tea Parties?

WSBA wanting simple, easy answers to knotty, complex problems?
it is easy, easy is good.

wsba having to start a new project, and coming up with a new idea for it?
Your boss can't figure out how to take credit for it...

WSBA eating licorice for lunch?
bad for the teeth especially if you have had dental work.

wsba someone complimenting your car and your are LOVING it!
There is an accident in your future.

WSBA in relationship built on lust.
Nothing I can think of...

Isn't that the beats-all distinguishing characteristics of a great pizza? That it tastes as good cold the next morning as it did hot last night?

'Cause, if it tastes like crap cold the next morning, and you ate it anyway...Well, there's the answer to your question,

WSBA having a throat infection, poison ivy all over yer bod, tickets to see a great band tonight AND the Family Reunion this Saturday? 'Cause I don't really wanna go to the reunion all that much, but if I'm well enough to go to the concert, then I'm certainly well enough to go to the reunion...
go to the concert. Then say your throat got worse from hollaring and you feel sicker and can't go to reunion. I don't blame you, family reunions suck!

wsba spending money for something you really want but know you should save money in this economy?

I think that may really work - And I wouldn't be lying, either. What a great show tonight....I tried to talk to several people, but I sound like a broken foghorn. Yikes.
The family won't do it for you...HA! HA! HA!

WSBA coming in second place?
nothing bad if your a racehorse you still get a check.
It is better than last place.

wsba starting to vacumn when the cat, Mrs.Pennypacker, starts meowing relentlessly for no particular reason, and she hates the vacumn and hides and shuts up?




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