TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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TPAM has a happy hour every hour.
tpam prefers unhappy hour.
Yes, I need to quit hanging with BethD.

TPAM has massive plans for the weekend.
tpam is jealous of my hat.
TPAM likes being made to purr.... :-P
TPAM partakes of distilled spirits and cordials with great gusto.

"Great Gusto" being the Romanian pizza cook at his place of employment.
tpam is very diplomatic.
tpam was obviously intoxicated when she wrote that last post. '-)
tpam woke up way after I did.
TPAM always wakes up before I do and ties my shoelaces together. Since this is as mean as she gets its tolerated.
SG, could you pls videotape tpay tying your shoelaces together while you sleep, and then you getting up & walking like that? I would love to watch that!

tpam has toast and milk for breakfast, sitting at his kitchen table w/his shoelaces tied together.
ha! I wish! 5am, baby! ;-p




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