TBD on Ning

Do you crave simplicity or the intricate/sentimental in your surroundings?
I am leaning toward the very simple and colorful these days.
What do you think: Is this a sign of aging or just a byproduct of the need to dejunk? 

Tags: kid*colors*are*cool, second*childhood?

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I'm with you Dottie. Even sentimental things can get "stale."
I'd say Dave could get used to and enjoy the red wall.
Live it up!
I'm kind of a simpleton in many ways.
haha, Stir G. Is this a new development or has it always been you?
" target="_blank">I love to build something complex and intricate, the satisfaction I get from this is without question.... what I strive for. It stands the test of time!
Excellent tune and excellent sentiment, Craig!
I need to cull the herd while cow prices are high.
A different type of simplification than mine.

Sounds like a good moooove, Aggie. I'm wondering, do they all have names?
Could be a sign of aging - if I don't understand something these days I assume it must be bad.
You are an inspiration, funes!
Great perspective.
I made pillows and duvet cover and dust pleat(not ruffled!) and they're in bright colors I see in bedding for kids' rooms.
I had some severe burgundy and gold stuff and it was okay, but after ten years, it was time for a change. Now when I walk in the room, green and turquoise put me in an instantly good mood.

That's why I think you should hold out for the red you want, Dot.
I like simple. I always have. The less you have the more you can see. Too much of anything gets lost in the crowd.
You and Bubba Gump.




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