TBD on Ning

Will people ever catch on to my habit of including statements here......

......that are thinly diguised as questions?


Yup, that was one of 'em.


Well, after a year and eight months of mostly being unemployed, tomorrow I start working at a real job again.  That's right, I'll be re-entering my career field.


Oh, it'll be different this time.  I'm taking a job that will be for only about twenty hours a week, no benefits, and much less pay than I used to make.  Its "welcome to the new, leaned down American workplace".


I've been getting by OK, I went on Social Security last year, and I've qualified for unemployment as long as I've been out of work.  In fact, I still have about fifteen weeks of unused unemployment left.


But ya know what?  I feel absolutely energized about going back to work.  I'm looking forward to it.


Ya see, when I lost my job (my employer closed the doors and went out of business), it really disrupted my retirement plans.  I really wanted to go when I wanted to go.  I guess I was like a lot of other Boomers.  It was a real reality check to suddenly be dumped out of the workforce, and slowly realize that nobody really wanted an aging person who was used to good money, good benefits, and had limited computer skills.


Well, I'm back Baby!  Lets see where this next turn in life takes me!


Uh, in the mean time, my new employer may not appreciate me checking in on the TBD/Ning on company time, so I'll limit my contributions to the times other than my work hours.


So, tomorrow morning, as Mick Jagger once advised in the song "Dear Doctor", I'll "put my suit on, pull my socks up, and comb my long hair down".


And I'll keep ya posted.



Tags: oldfartintheworkplace

Views: 48

Replies to This Discussion

Well, I was sure a deer in the headlights for about 10 days. I just started coming up for air a few days ago. :-P
Yep, I know the drill!
Congrats to you!!! I hope you aren't too tired when you get home.
Be nice...
Good luck to you!
I'll probably be brain dead for a few days. LOL!
In regards to opening statement....

You really have to pipe up more often....and louder....come on.....We can take it!!!
Great news Gary, it's good for the soul to be a working stiff. That's why you are probably looking forward to it, it's all we know! Best of luck, buddy!
Hello all! Just a note to let you know I survived the first day back in the work force. I also have company tonight and tomorrow night, which makes things a little busier than what I would prefer at this point. I think the new boss is handling me with kid gloves right now because she's unsure of how far you can spur old people on without having to call 9-1-1! LMAO! More later.
We do what we gotta do.....
See, you haven't outlived your usefulness to society.
Day 2 completed and I haven't been fired yet! LOL! today went a little easier, and in fact I'm quite pleased with how things are coming back to me. Tomorrow will be another long work day.
Like riding a bike, eh? ☺
Funny thing, but I think the bike riding has improved my mental sharpness. Hopefully I can get back on the bike Thursday....I miss it.




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