TBD on Ning

Hello Folks,
Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want to
take a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment and
get to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone is
welcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no one
happens to be here at the moment, just stick around or keep an eye on
the last post to see who pops up to greet you

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Wow, it's beginning to get busy here again. I need to come back more often and help dust off the seats. Hopefully more traffic will pick up.
Hey Cat, Goldi, Taylor. Hope all you ladies are doing well.

Taylor, what kind of new job are you doing?
RBAM!!! I keep missing you. I've not been signing on until later in the mornings. You can bet I'll be watching for you now!

Taylor, I get up at 4 am everyday. I like getting home from work earlier, but I'm so tired, I never want to do anything or go anywhere 'cause I go to bed so early. . .

So, yes, tell us about the new job. . !!!!
Good Morning Everyone!!

((( Cat Goldilocks ))) It was great to see you just a few days ago.

RBAM great to see you again!

Taylor I don’t believe we have met before other than crossings over in the word area.
Good morning Chris, Cat, RBAM!
George and I enjoyed meeting you too, Chris. We will be out again today!
Enjoy your day, all!
Hi, Cat & RBAM! Hi, Goldilocks. Greetings, Chris - & no, I don't think we've been formally introduced - hi, there - it's nice to meet you! I was a regular DG'er way back in TBD1 early days.

RBAM & Cat, I've started a job as a designer for a big box home furnishings store. I start really early to try & get the displays done & most of the work on the floor done before the store opens to the public. I'm a just-before-7am rise & shiner - this getting up @ 5am is for the birds! LITERALLY! haha...
Cat, I know what you mean about being too tired to appreciate the free afternoons/evenings, that's how I'm feeling.
And on that note, I'm off to bed. I look forward to stopping in more often.

Y'all take care.

Taylor, the job sounds perfect for you! You'll get used to that 5 a.m. I just wish that internal clock wouldn't go off on the weekends! Been a long time since I've really slept in.
Whoa!! Activity in the Lounge? Good thing I didn't delete my link! I came over to collect some photo stuff and clean out my locker. LOL
Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone! Drink lots of water today or you'll shrivel up and we don't want that to happen!

I'll be sure to take your advice and do what ever it takes to not shrivel up.

OH!, did I take that wrong?
Ha ha! Hope your trip home was uneventful, Robbie! It was real nice to see you again, and I sure hope to see you next year, we're doing it again.
((( Cat Goldilocks )))

Taylor Glad to hear of your new job, hope it works out for you. I’m still looking myself.




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