TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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TPAM is counting the days until the Lingerie Bowl.
TPAM & TPAH & TPAH have given me quite a laugh. "-D
TPAM laughs a lot since she misplaced her medication.
TPAM is moderately medicated.
TPAM is often mistaken for Timothy Leary....
TPAM receives gift cards to rehab facilities.
TPAM stole my meds & is trying to make me believe that I've "misplaced" them.
TPAM's anti-paranoia meds have been misplaced.
TPAM has invested his retirement funds in the Tinfoil Hat Company.
It's a wise move. They're an industry with unlimited potential for growth.

TPAM will see "Inception" just for the sly Edith Piaf references.
TPAM secretly listens to Anne Murray as his guilty pleasure.
Today TPAM has not a care in the world.




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